Liquid Listings

Liquid Listings

One of the limitations of existing fungible NFT protocols is that liquidity is restricted to only the floor items. Other protocols have made steps towards solving this problem by allowing higher tier deposits, however the process requires manual/centralized effort and may not adapt quickly to changing meta.

ƒlayer allows any non-floor item within a collection to be deposited into a collection's pool as a Liquid Listing, and in return for the listing the user receives a floor token (i.e. ƒMILADY). All listings are quoted in multiples of the floor, and the price is set by the user creating the listing.

For example, Alice has a non-floor Milady that she values at 1.3x the floor price. She deposits the item into the pool and sets its redemption price at 1.3 ƒMILADY and in return receives 1 ƒMILADY token. She can then sell the token on Uniswap V4 to access immediate liquidity while she waits for the remainder to sell.

Alice is able to instantly access 75% of the value of her item without the need to wait for a buyer.